Oil Conditioning Skids

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Oil Conditioning Systems, sometimes called Oil Filtration Systems, is an engineered skid mounted or cart mounted industrial filtration and separation system.

Sungov designs and manufactures these filtration systems for two major uses: For large process plants like oil refineries, thermal power plants, steel plants for diesel fuel treatment, fuel oil purification and lube oil filtration systems, generally as a skid mounted system; For standalone applications as a portable oil filter cart for treatment of working fluids like gear oil, hydraulic oil, transformer oil and similar applications. Treated oils can be performance tested to comply with ISO 4406 cleanliness scale.

These oil filtration systems are used both inline filtration as well offline filtration, as a kidney loop filtration plant (side stream filtration). They are designed to remove solids from oil, water from oil and if required, they have heaters to improve separation efficiency and/or maintain process temperature.

Sungov possesses multiple separation technologies in its arsenal to design an ideal system for a particular application. A typical system may include one or more of the following in different combinations: a Basket Filter, a Cartridge Filter, a Centrifugal Separator, a Coalescer, a Strainer, a heater, a Heat Exchanger and a feed pump.

Sungov understands that customers don’t have the need for an Oil Conditioning System full time. This doesn’t mean Sungov’s customers miss out on improved oil characteristics. Sungov offers the standalone filter carts in different configuration and capacities on a rental basis as well. Contact us today for your requirements.

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