Assam Gas Company Ltd. (AGCL) transports Natural Gas to several market segments in upper Assam with a current transportation capacity of about 6.0 MMSCM of gas per day. AGCL is expecting additional allocation of Natural Gas from the gas fields of ONGCL in Khoraghat region of Golaghat District bordering Nagaland through its 4” NB x 46 km Uriumghat – Golaghat gas pipeline. The new project includes (a) Laying of 12” X 17 km piggable pipeline and associated terminal facilities connecting ONGCL gas field off-take point at Nambar GGS to Khoraghat GGS to Uriumghat (b) Laying of 8” x 46 km piggable pipeline and associated terminal facilities connecting Uriumghat to Golaghat town (c) Laying of 8” x 50 km piggable pipeline and associated terminal facilities connecting Golaghat town to Numaligarh along with tap off points to cater gas supply to around 50 nos. of tea factories.
The scope of work included Design & Detail Engineering, Manufacturing, Testing and Supply of Vertical, Cylindrical, Skirt mounted Knock Out Drum (KOD) with Design Gas Flow Rate 70,000 SCMD for Khoraghat GGS and Supply of Vertical, Cylindrical, Skirt mounted Knock Out Drum (KOD) with Design Gas Flow Rate 60,000 SCMD for Nambar GGS.
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